segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015

Homens só se ajoelham

 Aléxis Tsípras demitiu-se.

Perante eminente desastre bailemos;_ certamente Aléxis recordou-se deste filme que retrata o seu próprio povo.
Assim que a Europa das grilhetas, das guerras pela hegemonia territorial e das mentalidades perceba…

Os povos não se amordaçam com correntes de Euros
As pátrias valem mais que todos os porões carregados de ouro
Dignidade é um bem inegociável
A honra não se define por gráficos financeiros…e os Homens só se ajoelham quando dançam ao som de Zorba…

 Ο δρόμος είναι σκοτεινός
ώσπου να σ'ανταμώσω
ξεπρόβαλε μεσοστρατίς
το χέρι να σου δώσω

Στρώσε το στρώμα σου για δυο
για σένα και για μένα
ν'αγκαλιαστούμε απ'την αρχή
ναν' όλα αναστημένα

Σ'αγκάλιασα μ'αγκάλιασες
μου πήρες και σου πήρα
χάθηκα μες στα μάτια σου
και στη δική σου μοίρα.

Στρώσε το στρώμα σου για δυο
για σένα και για μένα
ν'αγκαλιαστούμε απ'την αρχή
ναν' όλα αναστημένα.
 Dark is the road of my journey
until I get to meet you
come show yourself halfway to me
my hand to you I'll offer.

Make your bed(mattress) for two
for you and for me
and let us fall in each other's arms
to resurrect it all again.

I hugged you and you hugged me too
you took from me and I took from you
I got lost into your eyes
and in your destiny.

Make your bed(mattress) for two
for you and for me
and let us fall in each other's arms
to resurrect it all again.

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